Snow Days Retreat

When: FEBRuary 7-9, 2025
WHERE: Light of the prairies retreat centre (Lorette, MB)
Who: Students in Grade 7-12
Cost: $65 per student

Snow Days is the winter CHBC retreat for youth grades 7-12

The retreat begins Friday evening with registration at 7pm at Light of the Prairies. The retreat ends Sunday, Feb 9, pickup time is 11:30am.

Bring bedding or a sleeping bag and something to sleep on if you don’t want to sleep right on the floor.

Dress warm, bring lots of warm gear for playing outside. We aren’t going to spend the whole weekend indoors! A more detailed packing list will be emailed to those who register once we have confirmed what activities will be available to us.

The weekend will be full of Worship, friends (old and new), games, good food and more!

Contact your local Covenant church youth pastor to arrange a ride or email: and we will put you in touch with the right person.

To pay via Etransfer use with the campers name in the memo. Cash and Cheque will be accepted at the time of event. Cheques can be made out to “CHBC” with your camper(s) name(s) in the memo.

Any amount over $65 per camper will be considered a donation.